from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations, combinations_with_replacement, product
from prefsampling.inputvalidators import validate_int
from prefsampling.tree.node import Node
from prefsampling.combinatorics import comb
def validate_num_leaves_nodes(num_leaves: int, num_internal_nodes: int | None):
Validates the number of leaves of a Schröder tree based on the number of internal nodes.
Raises ValueError if something goes wrong.
validate_int(num_leaves, "number of leaves", lower_bound=1)
if num_internal_nodes is not None:
validate_int(num_internal_nodes, "number of internal nodes", lower_bound=0)
if num_internal_nodes == 0 and num_leaves != 1:
raise ValueError(
"If the number of internal nodes is 0, there can only be one leaf."
if num_internal_nodes > num_leaves - 1:
raise ValueError(
"The number of internal nodes cannot exceed the number of leaves "
"minus 1."
def _random_num_internal_nodes(num_leaves: int, rng: np.random.Generator) -> int:
Samples a number of internal nodes for a Schröder tree at random. Each number of internal nodes
is sampled with probability proportional to the number of Schroöder trees with the corresponding
number of internal nodes.
num_leaves: int
The number of leaves of the tree
rng: np.random.Generator
The numpy random number generator.
The number of internal nodes
distribution = np.zeros(num_leaves - 1)
for i in range(num_leaves - 1):
distribution[i] = _num_schroeder_tree(i + 1, num_leaves)
distribution /= distribution.sum()
return rng.choice(num_leaves - 1, p=distribution) + 1
def _num_schroeder_tree(num_internal_nodes, num_leaves):
return (
comb(num_leaves - 1, num_internal_nodes)
* comb(num_leaves - 1 + num_internal_nodes, num_leaves)
/ (num_leaves - 1)
def schroeder_tree(
num_leaves: int, num_internal_nodes: int | None = None, seed: int = None
) -> Node:
Generates a random Schöder tree with suitable number of leaves and internal nodes.
The algorithm was presented by `Alonso, Rémy, Schott (1997a)
<>`_ building on `Alonso,
Rémy, Schott (1997b) <>`_.
If the number of internal node is not give, it is selected at random such that each number of
internal nodes is sampled with probability proportional to the number of Schroöder trees with
the corresponding number of internal nodes.
num_leaves: int
The number of leaves of the tree
num_internal_nodes: int | None
The number of internal nodes of the tree
seed : int, default: :code:`None`
Seed for numpy random number generator
The root of the tree
This sampler is supposed to yield a uniform distribution, but does not in practice.
.. image:: ../validation_plots/tree/schroeder.png
:width: 800
:alt: Observed versus theoretical frequencies for the Schröder tree sampler
`Uniform generation of a Schröder tree
*L. Alonso, J.L. Rémy and R. Schott*,
Information Processing Letters, Volume 64, Issue 6, 1997.
`A linear-time algorithm for the generation of trees
*L. Alonso, J.L. Rémy and R. Schott*,
Algorithmica 17, 162–182, 1997
validate_num_leaves_nodes(num_leaves, num_internal_nodes)
if num_internal_nodes == 0 or num_leaves == 1:
return Node(0)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
if num_internal_nodes is None:
num_internal_nodes = _random_num_internal_nodes(num_leaves, rng)
# Mix the patterns, the patterns are defined in "Uniform generation of a Schröder tree"
# where bold edges seem to indicate multi-edges (and not semi-ones as in the paper)
patterns = ["M0" for _ in range(num_leaves)] + [
"M1" for _ in range(num_internal_nodes)
# Replace the patterns by their representation as words
sequence = []
leaf_ctr = 0
internal_ctr = 0
possible_insert_pos = []
for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
if pattern == "M0":
sequence.append("x" + str(leaf_ctr))
leaf_ctr += 1
elif pattern == "M1":
sequence.append("v" + str(internal_ctr))
sequence.append("()1") # multi_edge using '()' instead of 'o'
sequence.append("f1") # semi_edge
sequence.append("f1") # semi_edge
internal_ctr += 1
# Add missing edges (p = 1 tree, e = 0 classical edges)
edges_to_position = num_leaves - 1 - num_internal_nodes
insert_pos_indices = list(
range(len(possible_insert_pos)), size=edges_to_position, replace=True
insert_pos_indices.sort(reverse=True) # Last to first to maintain positions
for index in insert_pos_indices:
sequence.insert(possible_insert_pos[index], "f1")
sequence = [s for s in sequence if s != "()1"]
# Apply the cycle lemma, since p = 1 (a single tree), there is only one permutation
pos = 0
height = 0
min_height = 0
pos_min = 0
for element in sequence:
if "x" in element or "v" in element:
if height <= min_height:
pos_min = pos
min_height = height
height += 1
elif "f" in element:
height -= 1
raise ValueError(
f"There should not be an element {element} at this point..."
pos += 1
# Apply rotation, pos_min indicates the position of the last node with minimum height
sequence = sequence[pos_min:] + sequence[:pos_min]
# Transform the sequence into a tree
nodes = []
for i, element in enumerate(sequence):
if "x" in element or "v" in element:
nodes.append(Node(int(element.replace("x", "").replace("v", ""))))
if "f" in element:
parent = nodes.pop()
child = nodes.pop()
return nodes[0]
def schroeder_tree_lescanne(
num_leaves: int, num_internal_nodes: int | None = None, seed: int = None
) -> Node:
Samples a random Schröder tree following the algorithm provided by `Lescanne (2022)
<>`_. The sampler is directly taken from the `corresponding
GitHub repository <>`_ (no licence available).
If a specific number of internal nodes is given, trees are sampled at random until the required
number of internal nodes is achieved (rejection sampling).
num_leaves: int
The number of leaves of the tree
num_internal_nodes: int | None
The number of internal nodes of the tree
seed : int, default: :code:`None`
Seed for numpy random number generator
The root of the tree
This sampler has unknown probability distribution but is efficient for large numbers of
.. image:: ../validation_plots/tree/schroeder_lescanne.png
:width: 800
:alt: Observed versus theoretical frequencies for the Schröder tree sampler by Lescanne
`Holonomic equations and efficient random generation of binary trees
*Pierre Lesscanne*,
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 25:2, 2024.
def build_tree(
current_node, left_child_pos, right_child_pos, current_white, to_merge
Auxiliary function that converts the result of the algorithm of Lescanne (2022) into
our class for Nodes and trees.
if current_white:
for position in left_child_pos, right_child_pos:
if position < len(tree_data):
child = Node(tree_data[position][0])
if child.identifier % 2 == 1:
child.identifier + 1,
validate_num_leaves_nodes(num_leaves, num_internal_nodes)
if num_internal_nodes == 0 or num_leaves == 1:
return Node(0)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
# Run the algorithm of Lescanne (2022) to obtain a tree
tree_data = []
while True:
tree_data = [(0, False)]
for i in range(1, num_leaves):
while True:
rand = rng.random()
x = int(rand * (6 * i - 4))
k = int(x // 3)
xmod3 = x % 3
if xmod3 == 0: # L1
tree_data.append((2 * i, False))
tree_data[k] = (2 * i - 1, False)
elif xmod3 == 1: # L2
if tree_data[k][0] % 2 == 1: # fst (v[k]) is odd
tree_data.append((2 * i, False))
tree_data.append((tree_data[k][0], True))
tree_data[k] = (2 * i - 1, False)
if k % 2 == 1: # k is odd
if tree_data[k + 1][1]: # the other leaf is white
else: # the other leaf is black
tree_data.append((2 * i, False))
tree_data[k] = tree_data[k + 1]
tree_data[k + 1] = (2 * i - 1, True)
tree_data.append((2 * i, False))
tree_data[k] = (2 * i - 1, True)
elif xmod3 == 2: # L3
tree_data.append((2 * i, False))
tree_data[k] = (2 * i - 1, False)
num_legal_white_edges = sum(1 for n in tree_data[1:] if n[0] % 2 == 1 and n[1])
if (
not num_internal_nodes
or len(tree_data) - num_legal_white_edges == num_internal_nodes + num_leaves
# Build the tree with our Node class based on the tree data
root = Node(tree_data[0][0])
nodes_to_merge = []
build_tree(root, root.identifier, root.identifier + 1, False, nodes_to_merge)
# Merge the nodes that need to be merged (the "white edges")
for identifier in nodes_to_merge:
return root
def schroeder_tree_brute_force(
num_leaves: int, num_internal_nodes: int | None = None, seed: int = None
) -> Node:
Sample a Schröder tree uniformly at random by enumerating all possible Schröder tree and
selecting one of them uniformly at random. This procedure is particularly inefficient but
ensures uniformity.
num_leaves: int
The number of leaves of the tree
num_internal_nodes: int | None
The number of internal nodes of the tree
seed : int, default: :code:`None`
Seed for numpy random number generator
The root of the tree
This sampler yields a uniform probability distribution but enumerates all trees (and
is thus slow).
.. image:: ../validation_plots/tree/schroeder_brute_force.png
:width: 800
:alt: Observed versus theoretical frequencies for the Schröder tree sampler by brute force
all_trees = all_schroeder_tree(num_leaves, num_internal_nodes=num_internal_nodes)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
res = rng.choice(all_trees) # type: Node
return res
def _partition_schroeder_nodes(num_nodes: int, num_leaves: int) -> list[list[int]]:
Returns all partitions of the number of leaves across the number of internal nodes such that
all internal nodes receive at least two leaves.
num_nodes: int
Number of internal nodes
num_leaves: int
Number of leaves
List of lists representing the number of leaves per nodes
res = []
num_leaves -= 2 * num_nodes
for c in combinations_with_replacement(range(num_nodes), num_leaves):
tmp_res = [2 for _ in range(num_nodes)]
for i in c:
tmp_res[i] += 1
return res
def all_schroeder_tree(num_leaves: int, num_internal_nodes: int = None) -> list[Node]:
Reruns all Schröder trees with given numbers of leaves and internal nodes.
num_leaves: int
Number of leaves
num_internal_nodes: int
Number of internal nodes
List of the tree roots
def aux(leaves_to_place, internal_to_place, counter):
Recursive generator.
# print(f"{counter}: {leaves_to_place}, {internal_to_place}")
if leaves_to_place == 0:
# print(f"{counter}: fast-tracked yielding leaf")
leaf = Node(counter)
leaf.leaf = True
yield leaf
if leaves_to_place == 2:
subtree = Node(counter)
leaf1 = Node(counter + 1)
leaf1.leaf = True
leaf2 = Node(counter + 2)
leaf2.leaf = True
# print(f"{counter}: fast-tracked yielding tree")
yield subtree
for leaves in range(leaves_to_place + 1):
for internal in range(
max(2 - leaves, 0), min(leaves_to_place // 2 + 1, internal_to_place)
if (
leaves_to_place - leaves >= internal * 2
): # At least 2 leaves per node
# print(f"{counter}\tleaves = {leaves}, internal = {internal}")
# print(f"{counter}\tpartitions = "
# f"{partition_schroeder_nodes(internal, leaves_to_place - leaves)}")
for children_part in _partition_schroeder_nodes(
internal, leaves_to_place - leaves
# print(f"{counter}\t\tchildren_part={children_part}")
for children_perm in set(
permutations([0 for _ in range(leaves)] + children_part)
# print(f"{counter}\t\t\tchildren_perm={children_perm}")
current_counter = counter
child_generators = []
for num_child in children_perm:
internal_to_place - internal,
current_counter += max(num_child, 1)
for combination in product(*child_generators):
current_node = Node(current_counter)
if not combination:
current_node.leaf = True
for child in combination:
# print(f"{counter}\t\t\t({leaves}, {internal}) yielding: "
# f"{current_node.anonymous_tree_representation()}")
yield current_node
validate_num_leaves_nodes(num_leaves, num_internal_nodes)
if num_internal_nodes == 0 or num_leaves == 1:
return [Node(0)]
if num_internal_nodes is None:
num_internal_nodes = range(1, num_leaves)
num_internal_nodes = [num_internal_nodes]
outcome = []
tree_repr = set()
for k in num_internal_nodes:
for root in aux(num_leaves, k, 0):
if root.anonymous_tree_representation() not in tree_repr:
if root.num_internal_nodes() == k:
return outcome