from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable, Iterable
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from prefsampling.inputvalidators import validate_num_voters_candidates, validate_int
from prefsampling.point import ball_uniform, cube, ball_resampling, gaussian
class EuclideanSpace(Enum):
Constants for some pre-defined Euclidean distributions.
UNIFORM_BALL = "uniform_ball"
Constants representing a uniform ball with center point at the origin and width of 1 for all
UNIFORM_SPHERE = "uniform_sphere"
Constants representing a uniform sphere with center point at the origin and width of 1 for all
dimensions. This is the envelope of the uniform ball.
UNIFORM_CUBE = "uniform_cube"
Constants representing a uniform cube with center point at the origin and width of 1 for all
GAUSSIAN_BALL = "gaussian_ball"
Constants representing a Gaussian ball with center point at the origin and width of 1 for all
dimensions. The inner Gaussian sampler has mean 0 and standard deviation 0.33.
GAUSSIAN_CUBE = "gaussian_cube"
Constants representing a Gaussian ball with center point at the origin and width of 1 for all
UNBOUNDED_GAUSSIAN = "unbounded_gaussian"
Constants representing an unbounded Gaussian space.The inner Gaussian sampler has mean 0 and
standard deviation 1.
def euclidean_space_to_sampler(
space: EuclideanSpace, num_dimensions: int, seed: int = None
) -> (Callable, dict):
Returns the point sampler together with its arguments corresponding to the EuclideanSpace
passed as argument.
if space == EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_BALL:
return ball_uniform, {"num_dimensions": num_dimensions, "seed": seed}
if space == EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_SPHERE:
return ball_uniform, {
"num_dimensions": num_dimensions,
"only_envelope": True,
"seed": seed,
if space == EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_CUBE:
return cube, {"num_dimensions": num_dimensions, "seed": seed}
if space == EuclideanSpace.GAUSSIAN_BALL:
return ball_resampling, {
"num_dimensions": num_dimensions,
"inner_sampler": lambda **kwargs: gaussian(**kwargs)[0],
"inner_sampler_args": {
"num_dimensions": num_dimensions,
"num_points": 1,
"sigmas": [0.33] * num_dimensions,
"seed": seed,
"seed": seed,
if space == EuclideanSpace.GAUSSIAN_CUBE:
return gaussian, {
"num_dimensions": num_dimensions,
"widths": np.array([1 for _ in range(num_dimensions)]),
"seed": seed,
if space == EuclideanSpace.UNBOUNDED_GAUSSIAN:
return gaussian, {"num_dimensions": num_dimensions, "seed": seed}
raise ValueError(
"The 'euclidean_space' and/or the 'candidate_euclidean_space' arguments need to be one of "
"the constant defined in the core.euclidean.EuclideanSpace enumeration. Choices are: "
+ ", ".join(str(s) for s in EuclideanSpace)
+ "."
def _sample_points(
num_points: int,
num_dimensions: int,
positions: EuclideanSpace | Callable | Iterable[Iterable[float]],
positions_args: dict,
sampled_object_name: str,
) -> np.ndarray:
Samples the points (if necessary) based on the input of the Euclidean function.
if isinstance(positions, Iterable) and not isinstance(positions, str):
positions = np.array(positions, dtype=float)
except Exception as e:
msg = (
"When trying to cast the provided positions to a numpy array, the above "
"exception occurred..."
raise ValueError(msg) from e
if positions.shape != (num_points, num_dimensions):
if num_dimensions > 1 or positions.shape != (num_points,):
raise ValueError(
f"The provided positions do not match the expected shape. Shape is "
f"{positions.shape} while {(num_points, num_dimensions)} was expected "
f"(num_{sampled_object_name}, num_dimensions)."
return positions
if not isinstance(positions, Callable):
if isinstance(positions, Enum):
space = EuclideanSpace(positions.value)
space = EuclideanSpace(positions)
except Exception as e:
msg = (
f"If the positions for the {sampled_object_name} is not an Iterable (already, "
f"given positions) or a Callable (a sampler), then it should be a "
f"EuclideanSpace element. Casting the input to EuclideanSpace failed with the "
f"above exception."
raise ValueError(msg) from e
positions, new_positions_args = euclidean_space_to_sampler(
space, num_dimensions, seed=seed
positions_args = new_positions_args
positions_args["seed"] = seed
positions_args["num_points"] = num_points
positions = np.array(positions(**positions_args))
if positions.shape != (num_points, num_dimensions):
raise ValueError(
"After sampling the position, the obtained shape is not as expected. "
f"Shape is {positions.shape} while {(num_points, num_dimensions)} was "
f"expected (num_{sampled_object_name}, num_dimensions)."
return positions
def sample_election_positions(
num_voters: int,
num_candidates: int,
num_dimensions: int,
voters_positions: EuclideanSpace | Callable | Iterable[Iterable[float]],
candidates_positions: EuclideanSpace | Callable | Iterable[Iterable[float]],
voters_positions_args: dict = None,
candidates_positions_args: dict = None,
seed: int = None,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
num_voters : int
Number of Voters.
num_candidates : int
Number of Candidates.
num_dimensions: int
The number of dimensions to use. Using this argument is mandatory when passing a space
as argument. If you pass samplers as arguments and use the num_dimensions, then, the
value of num_dimensions is passed as a kwarg to the samplers.
voters_positions: :py:class:`~prefsampling.core.euclidean.EuclideanSpace` | Callable | Iterable[Iterable[float]]
The positions of the voters, or a way to determine them. If an Iterable is passed,
then it is assumed to be the positions themselves. Otherwise, it is assumed that a
sampler for the positions is passed. It can be either the nickname of a sampler---when
passing a :py:class:`~prefsampling.core.euclidean.EuclideanSpace`; or a sampler.
A sampler is a function that takes as keywords arguments: 'num_points',
'num_dimensions', and 'seed'. Additional arguments can be provided with by using the
:code:`voters_positions_args` argument.
candidates_positions: :py:class:`~prefsampling.core.euclidean.EuclideanSpace` | Callable | Iterable[Iterable[float]]
The positions of the candidates, or a way to determine them. If an Iterable is passed,
then it is assumed to be the positions themselves. Otherwise, it is assumed that a
sampler for the positions is passed. It can be either the nickname of a sampler---when
passing a :py:class:`~prefsampling.core.euclidean.EuclideanSpace`; or a sampler.
A sampler is a function that takes as keywords arguments: 'num_points',
'num_dimensions', and 'seed'. Additional arguments can be provided with by using the
:code:`candidates_positions_args` argument.
voters_positions_args: dict, default: :code:`dict()`
Additional keyword arguments passed to the :code:`voters_positions` sampler when the
latter is a Callable.
candidates_positions_args: dict, default: :code:`dict()`
Additional keyword arguments passed to the :code:`candidates_positions` sampler when the
latter is a Callable.
seed : int, default: :code:`None`
Seed for numpy random number generator. Also passed to the point samplers if
a value is provided.
tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
The positions of the voters and of the candidates.
validate_int(num_dimensions, lower_bound=0, value_descr="number of dimensions")
if voters_positions_args is None:
voters_positions_args = dict()
if candidates_positions_args is None:
candidates_positions_args = dict()
voters_positions_args["num_dimensions"] = num_dimensions
candidates_positions_args["num_dimensions"] = num_dimensions
voters_pos = _sample_points(
cand_pos = _sample_points(
return voters_pos, cand_pos