Please refer to the module instance
for more information.
A participatory budgeting instance encapsulates all the elements defining the elections. It includes the projects up for voting, along with the budget limit.
The central class is Instance
This class inherits from the Python set class, behaving as a set of projects,
augmented with additional information. Projects are instances of the class
, which stores a project’s name, cost,
and any potential additional information. Here’s an example:
from pabutools.election import Instance, Project
instance = Instance() # It accepts several optional parameters
p1 = Project("p1", 1) # The constructor requires the name and cost of the project
instance.add(p1) # Set methods are used to add/remove projects from an instance
p2 = Project("p2", 1)
p3 = Project("p3", 3)
Notably, any Python comparison between two projects (equality, etc.) is based on the name of the projects. Since an instance is a set, adding a project Project(“p”, 1) and another project Project(“p”, 3) will result in an instance with a single project.
An instance also stores additional information such as the budget limit of the election and additional metadata.
instance.budget_limit = 3 # The budget limit
instance.meta # dict storing metadata on the instance
instance.project_meta # dict of (project, dict) storing metadata on the projects
An instance can invoke several methods to iterate through all the budget allocations, test the feasibility of a set of projects, and so on.
for b in instance.budget_allocations():
print(str(b) + " is a feasible budget allocation")
instance.is_feasible([p1, p2, p3]) # Returns False
instance.is_exhaustive([p1, p2]) # Returns True