Quick Start#

Now that you have installed pabutools (if not, see Installation), you can start using the package!

On this page, we will guide you through a simple example.

Describing an Election#

Let’s begin by describing an election. We need to encode at least the projects, the budget limit, and the ballots of the voters.

Projects and Instances#

The fundamental elements are the projects, i.e., the entities that will be voted upon. We define them using the class Project.

from pabutools.election import Project

p1 = Project("p1", 1)   # The constructor takes the name and cost of the project
p2 = Project("p2", 1)
p3 = Project("p3", 3)

Next, we define an instance, which is a collection of projects along with additional information about the election. It stores all the information regarding the election, except for what concerns the voters.

An instance is an instantiation of the Instance class. This class derives from the Python set class and can be used as one.

from pabutools.election import Instance

instance = Instance()   # There are many optional parameters
instance.add(p1)   # Use set methods to populate
instance.update([p2, p3])

instance.budget_limit = 3   # The instance stores the budget limit for the projects

Importantly, any Python comparison between two projects (e.g., equality) is based on the name of the projects. Since an instance is a set, adding a project Project(“p”, 1) and another project Project(“p”, 3) will result in an instance with a single project.

Ballots and Profiles#

The next essential components of a participatory budgeting election are the ballots. A ballot stores all the information provided by a voter. All the ballots are gathered into a profile.

For this example, we assume that voters submitted approval ballots. They are instantiated using the class ApprovalBallot as follows:

from pabutools.election import ApprovalBallot

b1 = ApprovalBallot([p1, p2])   # Initialize an approval ballot with two projects
b1.add(p2)   # Add projects to the approval ballot using set methods
b2 = ApprovalBallot({p1, p2, p3})
b3 = ApprovalBallot({p3})

The ApprovalBallot class inherits from the Python set and can be used as one.

We can now define the approval profile:

from pabutools.election import ApprovalProfile

profile = ApprovalProfile([b1, b2])   # Initialize the profile with two ballots
profile.append(b3)   # Use list methods to handle the profile

The approval profile is instantiated using the class ApprovalProfile, which inherits from the Python class list.

Computing the Outcome of an Election#

The election is ready; now, let’s compute the winning projects. For this purpose, we will use the module rules.

Assuming we want to use the standard greedy method, which is commonly used in many cities around the world, we can compute the outcome of the election as follows:

from pabutools.election import Cost_Sat
from pabutools.rules import greedy_utilitarian_welfare

outcome = greedy_utilitarian_welfare(instance, profile, sat_class=Cost_Sat)

This computes the outcome of the greedy approximation of the utilitarian welfare using the satisfaction measure Cost_Sat. Satisfaction measures have not been discussed yet. Keep in mind that they describe the way voters are assumed to assess the quality of a set of projects. For instance, Cost_Sat measures the satisfaction of a voter as the total cost of the projects that have been selected and that appear in the voter’s ballot. For more information, check out satisfaction.

Other methods can be used, such as Phragmén’s sequential rule or the method of equal shares.

from pabutools.election import Cost_Sat
from pabutools.rules import sequential_phragmen, method_of_equal_shares

outcome1 = sequential_phragmen(instance, profile)
outcome2 = method_of_equal_shares(instance, profile, sat_class=Cost_Sat)

All rules return a BudgetAllocation object. The BudgetAllocation class inherits from list and behaves similarly. It is used to store additional information about the outcome (for visualisation/explanation purposes).