Municipal PB in Warsaw
This is the explanation for the outcome of the participatory budgeting election decided using the Greedy Utilitarian Welfare algorithm.
Some of the key features of the election are: The election has a total budget of 24,933,409 CUR of which 24,931,960 CUR was spent. The election had a
total of 86721 voters. Note that each participant can vote for multiple projects. Therefore, the total votes for all projects may be
higher than 86721
This page shows and explains the outcome of the election. The first graph shows the satisfaction scores for the projects and allows you to filter and examine the data in greater detail.
The bars show the budget at each stage of the election and the projects selected or rejected in each round. Finally, the final bar chart shows an overview of the selected and rejected projects.
To view the list of the projects selected, click this:
Project: "2020 drzew dla Warszawy" with cost: 2,888,600 CUR and had 40990.0 votes.
Project: "Nasze miasto w szpalerach zieleni" with cost: 1,500,000 CUR and had 30791.0 votes.
Project: "Nie! - dla smogu – altana solarna w każdym parku Warszawy!" with cost: 369,880 CUR and had 30222.0 votes.
Project: "Nowe drogi rowerowe - chcemy spójnej sieci" with cost: 2,502,400 CUR and had 29570.0 votes.
Project: "Czyste powietrze - lepsze życie" with cost: 567,430 CUR and had 23969.0 votes.
Project: "Kwiaty dla Warszawy, aby Warszawa była jeszcze piękniejsza" with cost: 1,231,500 CUR and had 22896.0 votes.
Project: "Miejskie łąkostrady antysmogowe" with cost: 2,853,520 CUR and had 21067.0 votes.
Project: "Wiaty rowerowe przy szkołach" with cost: 3,600,000 CUR and had 18561.0 votes.
Project: "Posiłki dla osób ubogich i bezdomnych na terenie miasta (tylko w opakowaniach eko)" with cost: 96,000 CUR and had 13875.0 votes.
Project: "Pomagamy ginącym w Warszawie jaskółkom oknówkom – budowa „jaskółkownika”" with cost: 54,500 CUR and had 13735.0 votes.
Project: "Dbajmy o ptactwo zimą" with cost: 13,440 CUR and had 13715.0 votes.
Project: "Do lasku na kole - ścieżki pieszo- rowerowe Powązkowska, Dygata, Kozielska, Szamocka, Prymasa Tysiąclecia" with cost: 423,612 CUR and had 12550.0 votes.
Project: "Szanujmy Naszą Wisłę" with cost: 386,000 CUR and had 12451.0 votes.
Project: "600 ławek dla Warszawy" with cost: 1,990,000 CUR and had 12246.0 votes.
Project: "Paleniska na Plażach Miejskich" with cost: 28,810 CUR and had 11201.0 votes.
Project: "Nowy chodnik i drzewa wyciszające na granicy Ursynowa oraz Mokotowa" with cost: 669,245 CUR and had 11145.0 votes.
Project: "Ogrody deszczowe i naturalne place zabaw na terenie Warszawy, w tym plac Zabaw w Parku Dolina Służewiecka" with cost: 3,000,000 CUR and had 10751.0 votes.
Project: "Zdrowe powietrze w naszej dzielnicy" with cost: 1,708,317 CUR and had 9767.0 votes.
Project: "Hamaki Miejskie dla Warszawy" with cost: 380,000 CUR and had 9003.0 votes.
Project: "Warsztaty komputerowe dla osób niepełnosprawnych" with cost: 52,228 CUR and had 8704.0 votes.
Project: "Rozwijanie umiejętności społecznych u dzieci" with cost: 46,300 CUR and had 8612.0 votes.
Project: "Edukacja w zakresie szczepień dla kobiet w ciąży oraz szczepień dzieci" with cost: 12,500 CUR and had 7936.0 votes.
Project: "Aplikacja Bezpłatne toalety" with cost: 110,000 CUR and had 7516.0 votes.
Project: "Wielka Garażówka Warszawska - wyprzedaż garażowa w Warszawie w różnych lokalizacjach" with cost: 45,500 CUR and had 7190.0 votes.
Project: "Joga w parku" with cost: 50,000 CUR and had 6531.0 votes.
Project: "Szkolenia komputerowe dla osób z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku" with cost: 70,000 CUR and had 6070.0 votes.
Project: "Zajęcia aktywizujące dla osób z niepełnosprawnością" with cost: 7,800 CUR and had 5287.0 votes.
Project: "Miejskie sauny" with cost: 272,278 CUR and had 5024.0 votes.
Project: "Plakaty informujące o dobrowolności prac domowych" with cost: 2,100 CUR and had 1264.0 votes.
The chart above shows the satisfaction measures for each project. To investigate further, you can filter the bar chart by selected or rejected projects, and sort by name, cost or satisfaction score. Use the dropdowns above to filter and sort the data.
Round by Round Analysis
The following section of the visualisations allows you to click through 'round by round' of this section of the election. It shows at each point the remaining budget, and the projects with the highest satisfaction up to the selected project. The selected project is shown in green, and any rejected projects are shown in red. A project will be shown in red if it is the next most popular project however there is not enough budget remaining to purchase the project. This means, the next most popular project will be considered - and so on until a project is found that can be purchased with the remaining budget. Use the previous and next round buttons to move through the different rounds of the election.
Round 1
774: 2020 drzew dla Warszawy - 2,888,600 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 24,933,409 CUR, and the selected project "2020 drzew dla Warszawy" with cost 2,888,600 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (40990) and was within budget.
Round 2
2166: Nasze miasto w szpalerach zieleni - 1,500,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 22,044,809 CUR, and the selected project "Nasze miasto w szpalerach zieleni" with cost 1,500,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (30791) and was within budget.
Round 3
1719: Nie! - dla smogu – altana solarna w każdym pa - 369,880 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 20,544,809 CUR, and the selected project "Nie! - dla smogu – altana solarna w każdym parku Warszawy!" with cost 369,880 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (30222) and was within budget.
Round 4
888: Nowe drogi rowerowe - chcemy spójnej sieci - 2,502,400 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 20,174,929 CUR, and the selected project "Nowe drogi rowerowe - chcemy spójnej sieci" with cost 2,502,400 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (29570) and was within budget.
Round 5
2152: Czyste powietrze - lepsze życie - 567,430 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 17,672,529 CUR, and the selected project "Czyste powietrze - lepsze życie" with cost 567,430 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (23969) and was within budget.
Round 6
1822: Kwiaty dla Warszawy, aby Warszawa była jeszcz - 1,231,500 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 17,105,099 CUR, and the selected project "Kwiaty dla Warszawy, aby Warszawa była jeszcze piękniejsza" with cost 1,231,500 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (22896) and was within budget.
Round 7
1160: Miejskie łąkostrady antysmogowe - 2,853,520 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 15,873,599 CUR, and the selected project "Miejskie łąkostrady antysmogowe" with cost 2,853,520 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (21067) and was within budget.
Round 8
1449: Wiaty rowerowe przy szkołach - 3,600,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 13,020,079 CUR, and the selected project "Wiaty rowerowe przy szkołach" with cost 3,600,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (18561) and was within budget.
Round 9
1910: Posiłki dla osób ubogich i bezdomnych na tere - 96,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 9,420,079 CUR, and the selected project "Posiłki dla osób ubogich i bezdomnych na terenie miasta (tylko w opakowaniach eko)" with cost 96,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (13875) and was within budget.
Round 10
2159: Pomagamy ginącym w Warszawie jaskółkom oknówk - 54,500 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 9,324,079 CUR, and the selected project "Pomagamy ginącym w Warszawie jaskółkom oknówkom – budowa „jaskółkownika”" with cost 54,500 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (13735) and was within budget.
Round 11
1637: Dbajmy o ptactwo zimą - 13,440 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 9,269,579 CUR, and the selected project "Dbajmy o ptactwo zimą" with cost 13,440 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (13715) and was within budget.
Round 12
1780: Do lasku na kole - ścieżki pieszo- rowerowe P - 423,612 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 9,256,139 CUR, and the selected project "Do lasku na kole - ścieżki pieszo- rowerowe Powązkowska, Dygata, Kozielska, Szamocka, Prymasa Tysiąclecia" with cost 423,612 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (12550) and was within budget.
Round 13
1851: Szanujmy Naszą Wisłę - 386,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 8,832,527 CUR, and the selected project "Szanujmy Naszą Wisłę" with cost 386,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (12451) and was within budget.
Round 14
811: 600 ławek dla Warszawy - 1,990,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 8,446,527 CUR, and the selected project "600 ławek dla Warszawy" with cost 1,990,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (12246) and was within budget.
Round 15
1563: Paleniska na Plażach Miejskich - 28,810 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 6,456,527 CUR, and the selected project "Paleniska na Plażach Miejskich" with cost 28,810 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (11201) and was within budget.
Round 16
1297: Nowy chodnik i drzewa wyciszające na granicy - 669,245 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 6,427,717 CUR, and the selected project "Nowy chodnik i drzewa wyciszające na granicy Ursynowa oraz Mokotowa" with cost 669,245 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (11145) and was within budget.
Round 17
The chart above shows the current budget of 5,758,472 CUR, and the selected project "Ogrody deszczowe i naturalne place zabaw na terenie Warszawy, w tym plac Zabaw w Parku Dolina Służewiecka" with cost 3,000,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (10751) and was within budget.
Round 18
The chart above shows the current budget of 2,758,472 CUR, and the selected project "Zdrowe powietrze w naszej dzielnicy" with cost 1,708,317 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (9767) and was within budget.
Round 19
Remaining Budget: 1,050,155 CUR
1763: Fablab Rój Pszczół - 380,000 CUR
1240: Hamaki Miejskie dla Warszawy - 380,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 1,050,155 CUR. 1763: Fablab Rój Pszczół was rejected in this round, even though it had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 9003.
Round 20
1731: Warsztaty komputerowe dla osób niepełnosprawn - 52,228 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 670,155 CUR, and the selected project "Warsztaty komputerowe dla osób niepełnosprawnych" with cost 52,228 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (8704) and was within budget.
Round 21
601: Rozwijanie umiejętności społecznych u dzieci - 46,300 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 617,927 CUR, and the selected project "Rozwijanie umiejętności społecznych u dzieci" with cost 46,300 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (8612) and was within budget.
Round 22
1007: Stop bazgrołom w Warszawie - 12,500 CUR
1971: Edukacja w zakresie szczepień dla kobiet w ci - 12,500 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 571,627 CUR. 1007: Stop bazgrołom w Warszawie was rejected in this round, even though it had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 7936.
Round 23
580: Aplikacja Bezpłatne toalety - 110,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 559,127 CUR, and the selected project "Aplikacja Bezpłatne toalety" with cost 110,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (7516) and was within budget.
Round 24
1684: Wielka Garażówka Warszawska - wyprzedaż garaż - 45,500 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 449,127 CUR, and the selected project "Wielka Garażówka Warszawska - wyprzedaż garażowa w Warszawie w różnych lokalizacjach" with cost 45,500 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (7190) and was within budget.
Round 25
551: 200 000 toreb bawełnianych, wielorazowych z d - 50,000 CUR
937: Joga w parku - 50,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 403,627 CUR. 551: 200 000 toreb bawełnianych, wielorazowych z długim uchem rozdanych za darmo. Krok dla ekologii w Warszawie was rejected in this round, even though it had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 6531.
Round 26
1393: Szkolenia komputerowe dla osób z dysfunkcją n - 70,000 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 353,627 CUR, and the selected project "Szkolenia komputerowe dla osób z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku" with cost 70,000 CUR. The selected project was chosen because it had the highest satisfaction score (6070) and was within budget.
Round 27
Remaining Budget: 283,627 CUR
1290: Białołęka, Praga-Południe, Praga-Północ, Targ - 7,800 CUR
582: Teatr pod chmurką - 7,800 CUR
1864: Muranów - tak dla zieleni na Al.Solidarności - 7,800 CUR
984: Drzewa i zieleń na Powązkowskiej - 7,800 CUR
1738: Środowisko to nie śmietnisko! Pikniki edukacy - 7,800 CUR
1518: Zajęcia aktywizujące dla osób z niepełnospraw - 7,800 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 283,627 CUR. Various other projects were rejected in this round, even though they had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 5287.
Round 28
Remaining Budget: 275,827 CUR
55: Maski antysmogowe dla każdego - 272,278 CUR
56: Miejskie sauny - 272,278 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 275,827 CUR. 55: Maski antysmogowe dla każdego was rejected in this round, even though it had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 5024.
Round 29
Remaining Budget: 3,549 CUR
547: Silent Disco nad Wisłą - 2,100 CUR
1288: Mokotów, Ursynów, Wilanów, Włochy - wcześnie - 2,100 CUR
645: Warsztaty Wiem, co jem w wakacje i ferie w sz - 2,100 CUR
845: Zajęcia sensoryczne dla mam z dziećmi od 6 mi - 2,100 CUR
205: Warszawskie Posiadówki Sąsiedzkie - w każdej - 2,100 CUR
575: Warszawskie szklane wiaty przystankowe bezpie - 2,100 CUR
1005: Altany śmietnikowe dla Warszawy – projekt i p - 2,100 CUR
1572: Pomigaj do mnie - bezpłatne zajęcia nauki jęz - 2,100 CUR
913: Cztery letnie skwery na Placu Teatralnym i ul - 2,100 CUR
1289: Bemowo, Bielany, Wola, Żoliborz - wcześnie wy - 2,100 CUR
1145: Eksperymentujemy! - warsztaty naukowe dla dzi - 2,100 CUR
564: Podstawowy kurs pierwszej pomocy pediatryczne - 2,100 CUR
1832: Ratujmy warszawskie drewniaki - drewniak Burk - 2,100 CUR
979: Powązkowska - w dobrym stylu - 2,100 CUR
133: Mierniki jakości powietrza dla szkół na Biało - 2,100 CUR
1711: Spacery z przewodnikiem szlakiem patronów war - 2,100 CUR
1113: Razem z sąsiadem - imprezy plenerowe w Wawrze - 2,100 CUR
681: Samoobrona dla kobiet - warsztaty Wen do - 2,100 CUR
1083: Warsztaty radzenia sobie ze stresem i trening - 2,100 CUR
1161: Audyt Zarządu Miejskich Inwestycji Drogowych - 2,100 CUR
1468: Kwiaty i zieleń wokół pomnika Stefana Starzyń - 2,100 CUR
1966: Prosto na imprezę – stoisko edukacyjno-profil - 2,100 CUR
1733: Warszawskie Centrum Edukacji Odpadowej - 2,100 CUR
1871: Joga, taniec, medytacja, w otwartych przestrz - 2,100 CUR
1318: Podpórki rowerowe przy Rondzie ONZ - 2,100 CUR
856: Pilates 18+ Warszawa - 2,100 CUR
828: Robotyka dla dzieci 6-8 lat - 2,100 CUR
1952: Bezpieczny senior – warsztaty zwiększające be - 2,100 CUR
1912: Zielony zakątek Żoliborza Artystycznego - 2,100 CUR
1521: „Boisko pod balonem” w Dzielnicy Rembertów pr - 2,100 CUR
1828: Dobre warszawskie targi rękodzieła - hand mad - 2,100 CUR
622: Mierniki jakości powietrza w wybranych szkoła - 2,100 CUR
854: Aktywne spacery dla mam z wózkami w Warszawie - 2,100 CUR
1170: Aplikacja przyrodniczo-turystyczna przybliżaj - 2,100 CUR
538: Dokończenie wydawania Atlasu Dawnej Architekt - 2,100 CUR
1580: Montaż wyświetlaczy prędkości pojazdów na moś - 2,100 CUR
803: Nordic Walking - spacery dla zdrowia - 2,100 CUR
1426: Ustawienie i udostępnienie przenośnych toalet - 2,100 CUR
1419: Lato z komedią we Włochach i na Ochocie - fil - 2,100 CUR
1931: Praca przyjazna rowerzyście - Baza biur i mie - 2,100 CUR
2093: Warszawa mojego dzieciństwa - przejażdżka mię - 2,100 CUR
1024: Nie czekaj, rusz się, Warszawo - warsztaty ru - 2,100 CUR
1278: Warsztaty edukacyjno - parentingowe - 2,100 CUR
1758: 1000 x Stulecie Cudu nad Wisłą 1920-2020 - 2,100 CUR
1898: Ekonomia+ekologia=energia+estetyka w nurcie z - 2,100 CUR
1798: Aktywne niedziele - spacery Nordic Walking po - 2,100 CUR
328: Przeganiamy smog na Nowym Rembertowie - 2,100 CUR
1424: Zielony zakątek - zagospodarowanie terenu wok - 2,100 CUR
1150: Nauka tańca hawajskiego dla dorosłych i senio - 2,100 CUR
554: Kulturalna Warszawa - poznaj jej legendy! Cyk - 2,100 CUR
342: Etykiety produktów spożywczych pod lupą, czyl - 2,100 CUR
327: Przeganiamy smog na Wygodzie - 2,100 CUR
10: Plakaty informujące o dobrowolności prac domo - 2,100 CUR
The chart above shows the current budget of 3,549 CUR. Various other projects were rejected in this round, even though they had a higher or equal satisfaction score than the selected project which had a score of 1264.
The chart above shows a colour coded bar chart, which shows the selected projects in order. Red for selected, green for rejected. This is a quick over-view visualisation showing that it is not always the most popular project which is selected, but the most popular projects within budget.