Source code for prefsampling.combinatorics

A collection of functions used to iterable over all possible rankings, profiles, etc...

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from import Iterable, Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain, combinations, permutations, combinations_with_replacement

import numpy as np

from prefsampling.inputvalidators import validate_int

[docs] def comb(n: int, k: int) -> int: """ Function to compute the binomial coefficient. It uses math.comb if available (i.e., if Python >= 3.8), otherwise computes it by hand. Parameters ---------- n: int n in `n chooses k`, i.e., the size of the whole set k: int k in `n chooses k`, i.e.; the size of the subset Returns ------- int The value of n chooses k """ if hasattr(math, "comb"): return math.comb(n, k) return _comb(n, k)
def _comb(n: int, k: int) -> int: """ Computation of `n chooses k`. Parameters ---------- n: int n in `n chooses k`, i.e., the size of the whole set k: int k in `n chooses k`, i.e.; the size of the subset Returns ------- int The value of n chooses k """ try: return math.factorial(n) // math.factorial(k) // math.factorial(n - k) except ValueError: return 0
[docs] def generalised_ascending_factorial(value: int, length: int, increment: float) -> float: """ Computes the ascending factorial. The ascending factorial is equal to: :math:`\\text{value} \\times (\\text{value} + \\text{increment}) \\times \\ldots \\times (\\text{value} + (\\text{length} - 1) \\times \\text{increment})`. Parameters ---------- value: int The value whose generalised ascending factorial we are computing. length: int The number of terms in the ascending factorial to compute. increment: float The increment to add to the value in each term. Returns ------- float The value of the (generalised) ascending factorial. """ validate_int(value, "value", lower_bound=0) validate_int(value, "length", lower_bound=0) if length == 0: return 1 return (value + (length - 1) * increment) * generalised_ascending_factorial( value, length - 1, increment )
[docs] def powerset( iterable: Iterable, min_size: int = 1, max_size: int = None ) -> tuple[tuple]: """ Returns the powerset of the iterable. Parameters ---------- iterable: Iterable The iterable. min_size: int, default: :code:`1` Any subset of size smaller than `min_size` is excluded. max_size: int, default: :code:`len(iterable)` Any subset of size larger than `max_size` is excluded. Returns ------- tuple[tuple] The powerset of the input iterable. """ s = list(iterable) if max_size is None: max_size = len(s) + 1 return tuple( tuple(sorted(s)) for s in chain.from_iterable( combinations(s, r) for r in range(min_size, max_size) ) )
[docs] def proper_powerset(iterable: Iterable, min_size: int = 1) -> tuple[tuple]: """ Returns the set of all proper subsets of the iterable. Parameters ---------- iterable: Iterable The iterable. min_size: int, default: :code:`1` Any subset of size smaller than `min_size` is excluded. Returns ------- tuple[tuple] The set of all subsets of the input iterable. """ s = list(iterable) return powerset(s, min_size=min_size, max_size=len(s))
[docs] def all_rankings(num_elements: int) -> list[tuple[int]]: """ Returns a list of all the rankings with `num_elements`. Parameters ---------- num_elements: int The number of elements. Returns ------- list[tuple[int]] The list of all the rankings with `num_elements`, each ranking being represented as a tuple of int. """ return [tuple(rank) for rank in permutations(range(num_elements))]
[docs] def all_anonymous_profiles( num_voters: int, num_candidates: int ) -> list[tuple[tuple[int]]]: """ Returns a list of all the anonymous profiles for a given number of voters and candidates. An anonymous profile is a sorted tuple of rankings, each ranking being represented by a tuple of int. It is anonymous in the sense that the position of the voters does not matter. We implement this by sorting the rankings in the profile in lexicographic order. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) Returns ------- list[tuple[tuple[int]]] A list containing all the anonymous profiles """ return list(combinations_with_replacement(all_rankings(num_candidates), num_voters))
[docs] def all_profiles(num_voters: int, num_candidates: int) -> list[tuple[tuple[int]]]: """ Returns a list of all the profiles for a given number of voters and candidates. We compute this by considering all permutations of all the anonymous profiles. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) Returns ------- list[tuple[tuple[int]]] A list containing all the profiles """ res = set() for prof in all_anonymous_profiles(num_voters, num_candidates): for p in permutations(prof): res.add(tuple(p)) return list(res)
[docs] def all_non_isomorphic_profiles( num_voters: int, num_candidates: int, profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None, ) -> list[tuple[tuple[int]]]: """ Returns a maximal collection of profiles that are not isomorphic. Two profiles are isomorphic if there exists a renaming of the candidates such that the two profiles are the same. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) profiles: Sequence[Sequence[int]], defaults: :code:`None` The collection of all profiles. If the argument is not provided, :py:func:`prefsampling.combinatorics.all_profiles` is used. Returns ------- list[tuple[tuple[int]]] A list containing all the profiles, selecting only one single profile per equivalence class. """ res = set() if profiles is None: profiles = all_profiles(num_voters, num_candidates) for profile in profiles: perm = tuple(profile[0]) res.add(tuple(tuple(perm.index(c) for c in r) for r in profile)) return list(res)
[docs] def all_single_peaked_rankings(num_candidates: int) -> list[tuple[int]]: """ Returns the list of all the single-peaked rankings with respect to the axis `0, 1, ..., m - 1`. Parameters ---------- num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) Returns ------- list[tuple[int]] A list containing all single-peaked rankings. """ def recursive(a, b, all_sp_ranks, rank, position): if a == b: rank[position] = a all_sp_ranks.append(tuple(rank)) return rank[position] = a recursive(a + 1, b, all_sp_ranks, rank, position - 1) rank = deepcopy(rank) rank[position] = b recursive(a, b - 1, all_sp_ranks, rank, position - 1) res = [] recursive(0, num_candidates - 1, res, [0] * num_candidates, num_candidates - 1) return res
[docs] def all_single_peaked_circle_rankings(num_candidates: int): """ Returns the list of all the single-peaked rankings with respect to the circular axis `0, 1, ..., m - 1, 0`. Parameters ---------- num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) Returns ------- list[tuple[int]] A list containing all single-peaked on a circle rankings. """ def recursive(a, b, all_sp_ranks, rank, position): if a < 0: a += num_candidates if b > num_candidates - 1: b -= num_candidates if a == b: rank[position] = a all_sp_ranks.append(tuple(rank)) return rank[position] = a recursive(a - 1, b, all_sp_ranks, rank, position + 1) rank = deepcopy(rank) rank[position] = b recursive(a, b + 1, all_sp_ranks, rank, position + 1) res = [] for peak in range(num_candidates): recursive(peak - 1, peak + 1, res, [peak] + [0] * (num_candidates - 1), 1) return res
[docs] def is_single_crossing(profile: Sequence[Sequence[int]]) -> bool: """ Tests whether a profile is single-crossing given the current ordering of the voters. Parameters ---------- profile: Sequence[Sequence[int]] The profile Returns ------- bool True if the profile is single-crossing and false otherwise. """ for j, cand1 in enumerate(profile[0]): for cand2 in profile[0][j + 1 :]: cand1_over_cand2 = True for vote in profile: if vote.index(cand1) < vote.index(cand2) and not cand1_over_cand2: return False elif vote.index(cand1) > vote.index(cand2): cand1_over_cand2 = False return True
[docs] def all_single_crossing_profiles( num_voters: int, num_candidates: int, profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None, fix_order: bool = False, ) -> list[tuple[tuple[int]]]: """ Returns all profiles that are single-crossing. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) profiles: Sequence[Sequence[int]], defaults: :code:`None` The collection of all profiles. If the argument is not provided, :py:func:`prefsampling.combinatorics.all_profiles` is used. fix_order: bool If true, only profile that are single-crossing with respect to the current ordering of the voters are considered. Returns ------- list[tuple[tuple[int]]] A list of all the single-crossing profiles. """ if profiles is None: profiles = all_profiles(num_voters, num_candidates) res = [] for profile in profiles: if fix_order: if is_single_crossing(profile): res.append(profile) else: for perm in permutations(profile): if is_single_crossing(perm): res.append(profile) break return res
[docs] class GSNode: """ Class used to represent nodes in a group-separable profiles. """ def __init__(self, cand_set): self.cand_set: set[int] = cand_set self.children: list[GSNode] = [] def __repr__(self): return f"N{self.cand_set}" def tree_representation(self) -> str: s = f"{len(self.cand_set)}(" s += ", ".join(sorted(n.tree_representation() for n in self.children)) s += ")" return s def print_tree(self, indent: str = "") -> None: print(f"{indent}{self.cand_set}") for child in self.children: child.print_tree(indent + " ")
[docs] def gs_structure(profile: Sequence[Sequence[int]], verbose: bool = False) -> str: """ Computes the group-separable structure for a given profile. Parameters ---------- profile: Sequence[Sequence[int]] The profile. verbose: bool, defaults: :code:`None` If True, then additional information is printed. Returns ------- str A string representing the structure. """ def aux(prof, cands, node): if len(cands) == 2: new_node = GSNode(tuple(cands)) node.children.append(new_node) return if len(cands) == 1: return found_one_subcands = False for j in range(len(cands) - 1, 0, -1): subcands = cands[:j] if verbose: print(f"\tcands={cands}: subcands = {subcands}") all_voters_separate = True all_voters_separate_above = True all_voters_separate_below = True for rank in prof: sub_cands_indices = set() outside_indices = set() for i, c in enumerate(rank): if c in subcands: sub_cands_indices.add(i) elif c in cands: outside_indices.add(i) if verbose: print(f"\t\trank={rank}: {sub_cands_indices}, {outside_indices}") if sub_cands_indices and outside_indices: all_above = True all_below = True for sub_i in sub_cands_indices: for cand_i in outside_indices: if sub_i < cand_i: all_below = False elif sub_i > cand_i: all_above = False if all_above: all_voters_separate_below = False if all_below: all_voters_separate_above = False if not all_above and not all_below: all_voters_separate = False if verbose: print("\t\tBreak, voter fails!") break if all_voters_separate: if verbose: print("\t\tAll votes separate") if j == len(cands) - 1 and ( all_voters_separate_below or all_voters_separate_above ): new_node = GSNode(tuple(cands)) node.children.append(new_node) return new_node = GSNode(tuple(subcands)) node.children.append(new_node) aux(prof, subcands, new_node) subcands2 = cands[j:] new_node2 = GSNode(tuple(subcands2)) node.children.append(new_node2) aux(prof, subcands2, new_node2) found_one_subcands = True break if not found_one_subcands: if verbose: print(f"\tFor cands={cands} it fails") raise ValueError(f"Profile {prof} is not GS") if verbose: print(profile) root = GSNode(tuple(profile[0])) aux(profile, profile[0], root) return root.tree_representation()
[docs] def all_group_separable_profiles( num_voters: int, num_candidates: int, profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None, ) -> list[tuple[tuple[int]]]: """ Returns all profiles that are group-separable. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]], defaults: :code:`None` The collection of all profiles. If the argument is not provided, :py:func:`prefsampling.combinatorics.all_profiles` is used. Returns ------- list[tuple[tuple[int]]] A list of all the single-crossing profiles. """ if profiles is None: profiles = all_profiles(num_voters, num_candidates) res = [] for profile in profiles: # print(profile) all_cands_separated = True for cands in powerset(range(num_candidates)): proper_subsets = list(proper_powerset(cands)) # print(f"\tcands={cands}: subsets = {proper_subsets}") if proper_subsets: one_subcands_exists = False for subcands in proper_subsets: # print(f"\t\tsubcands={subcands}") all_voters_separate = True for rank in profile: sub_cands_indices = set() outside_indices = set() for i, c in enumerate(rank): if c in subcands: sub_cands_indices.add(i) elif c in cands: outside_indices.add(i) # print(f"\t\trank={rank}: {sub_cands_indices}, {outside_indices}") if sub_cands_indices and outside_indices: all_above = True all_below = True for sub_i in sub_cands_indices: for cand_i in outside_indices: if sub_i < cand_i: all_below = False elif sub_i > cand_i: all_above = False if not all_above and not all_below: all_voters_separate = False # print("\t\tBreak, voter fails!") break if all_voters_separate: one_subcands_exists = True # print("Break nicely!!") break if not one_subcands_exists: all_cands_separated = False # print("Break bdaly!!!") break if all_cands_separated: res.append(profile) # print(res) return res
[docs] def all_gs_structure( num_voters: int = None, num_candidates: int = None, gs_profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None, ) -> list[str]: """ Returns the group-separable structures for which at least one profile is group-separable. Parameters ---------- num_voters: int The number of voters num_candidates: int The number of candidates (the length of the rankings) gs_profiles: Iterable[Sequence[Sequence[int]]], defaults: :code:`None` The collection of all group-separable profiles. If the argument is not provided, :py:func:`prefsampling.combinatorics.all_group_separable_profiles` is used. Returns ------- list[str] A list of all the string representations of the structure. """ if gs_profiles is None: if num_voters is None and num_candidates is None: raise ValueError( "You need to provide either number of voters and candidates or a " "collection of profiles" ) gs_profiles = all_group_separable_profiles(num_voters, num_candidates) return list(set(gs_structure(p) for p in gs_profiles))
[docs] def kendall_tau_distance(ranking_1: Iterable, ranking_2: Sequence | np.ndarray) -> int: """ Computes the Kendall-Tau distance between two rankings. Parameters ---------- ranking_1: Iterable The first ranking ranking_2: Sequence | np.ndarray The second ranking Returns ------- int The Kendall-Tau distance between the two rankings. """ distance = 0 for k, alt1 in enumerate(ranking_1): for alt2 in ranking_1[k + 1 :]: if ranking_2.index(alt2) < ranking_2.index(alt1): distance += 1 return distance